SV Showcase x SPECTA Review: Randy Cano


For this month’s SV Showcase, StandardVision teamed up with the visual podcast app SPECTA to bring you vibrant and mind melting animations from four international artists that are pushing the boundaries of video art and animation.

The fourth artist to be featured in the SPECTA showcase is Randy Cano. Cano is a Los Angeles based 3D designer, animator, and artist who creates hypnotizing, gravity-defying, perception-challenging videos that see people and objects shift, shatter, melt and dissolve in unexpected yet unsettlingly satisfying ways. Cano has made animations for clients such as Beck, Nike, Netflix, MTV, and his work has been featured in The Creator’s Project, Hypebeast, Designboom, igNANT, and more.

According to Designboom, Cano’s work “perplexes our sense of perception by re-configuring the properties of existing materials into unidentifiable textures and forms." In his five pieces currently featured on the SVLA1 screen, we witness a infinitely burgeoning patty-filled burger toppling over, an otherworldly,  morphing sphere, a giant, curiously roaming jello filled ball investigating some benches, a joyous, futuristic monster dance party, and an odd, excessive pileup of rubber toys. His work is equal parts fun, hypnotizing, and satisfying, and with Cano providing little to no insight on his work, we are left to ponder and indulge in pure fragments of this imaginary exploration. can find Cano's ongoing animated explorations on instagram here and catch his work on the SVLA1 screen in downtown Los Angeles, at 901 W Olympic Blvd playing throughout the hour until April 9. Also, be sure to check out the SPECTA app for exclusive art from other artists like Randy Cano that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own phone.


SV SHOWCASE: Three Selected Films from the Los Angeles Dance Film Festival


Artist Takeover: Hayley Eichenbaum