Artist Takeover: Hayley Eichenbaum


This week’s StandardVision artist takeover on the SVLA1 screen at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles features work by artist/photographer Hayley Eichenbaum. Eichenbaum is the latest artist to be invited to take over a two week-long recurring 15-second spot to showcase their work to the public.

Hayley Eichenbaum is a conceptual artist unexpectedly turned photographer. Hailing from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Eichenbaum attended San Francisco Art Institute as well as Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Her body of work, spanning across sculpture, design, engineering, live performance, and photography, explores situations that confront social and moral constructions of female identity. Eichenbaum's most recent ongoing series, The Mother Road, has garnered international appraise after she started experimenting with Instagram and sharing photographs from her cross country travels. Selections from this series have been featured in publications such as Wired, Noice, and Sight Unseen to name a few.

The Mother Road was conceived during a month long road trip along Route 66, and has since become an ongoing project for Eichenbaum that now spans across multiple cross country excursions. The series is an homage to a "wilting and romantic Americana.” Eichenbaum's unmistakable aesthetic lies somewhere between fiction and reality, as one might mistake her photographs for paintings or possibly miniatures. The colors in her work combine perfectly weighted vibrancy with a flatter perspective aesthetic to create compositions that are strikingly effective in their eerily sterile depictions of a modern American landscape.

In an interview with Noice. magazine, Eichenbaum breaks down her process, "I mostly shoot with a Nikon D7100, switching between a 30mm lens and an 18-140mm lens. I love how this camera has a tendency to “miniaturize” the scenes I’m attempting to capture. When it comes to editing, I try to keep it to a minimum. I want clean, sharp images, and if something like a power line poses as a distraction I may shop that out. Other than that, cropping and color correction are the two biggest editing techniques I utilize."

You can catch Eichenbaum’s work on the SVLA1 screen through April 9 as well as on her Instagram here.

Sources: Noice., Wired


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