StandardVision Artist Showcase: Tangible Surrealism from Visual Artist Fenna Schilling

StandardVision continues its curated site-specific art program on the large-scale curved exterior display at 3rd Street Crossing with a month-long showcase of work from visual artist Fenna Schilling on view December 1st through 31st.

A visual artist based in the Netherlands, Schilling’s surrealist collages evoke both a familiar and alien quality by incorporating analogue and digital techniques that eschew the jagged, “cut’n’paste” aesthetic often associated with the collage form. Instead, Schilling’s works feel tactile, freeform, and fluid. Her creative process is intuitive and exploratory, combining shapes and textures sourced from decades-old photo books and re-contextualising them in abstract and unfamiliar ways.

Schilling’s work uncovers the limitless possibilities that are created through the juxtaposition of found material. She conjures worlds within worlds, manifesting three-dimensional environments within two-dimensional spaces. Schilling’s style is strikingly distinctive, but the versatile applications of her work have resulted in various art, illustration, and design features. She creates as freely as possible, using a process of manipulation that results in imagery that feels dreamlike and uncanny. Schilling continues to develop and expand her practice, integrating new techniques into her work and experimenting with the creative possibilities offered by the medium of collage.

Fenna Schilling is a visual artist living and working between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Collage permeates many aspects of her creative practice, from her visual art to her DJ sets. Fenna Schilling’s art has caught the eyes of numerous international brands, including Google Arts & Culture, WeTransfer, Budweiser, Converse, Hermès, and Paloma Wool. Catch Schilling’s otherworldly collages on view at the exterior digital media facade at 3rd Street Crossing, and learn more about her artwork by visiting her Instagram.


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