SV Presents: Christopher Golden

chrisgoldthumb.jpg August 7, 2017, StandardVision launched its latest site-specific public art video Orbital Bloom, created by animator Christopher Golden. The piece represents another new, innovative and original film in the SV Presents series; an art initiative showcasing the work of creative visual artists working within the community. We had a chance to sit down with Chris and ask him a few questions about his work.

How did you get into motion graphics and 3d design? 

I studied illustration at Ringling College and Art and Design and since then I have had an interested in exploring different mediums outside of traditional illustration. 

What inspires you?

I would say I’m pretty obsessed with vibrant colors. I also have a lot of interest in Surrealism and try to bring some of those themes into my work which help blur the lines between reality and fantasy.

Can you tell us a little more about “Orbital Bloom?”

I wanted to create an abstract, synthesized and bubbling environment that felt like something you might find under water. I also wanted to bring a peaceful tone to the piece with the objects moving slowly with in the scene. 

Your work usually has accompanying sonic elements – do you compose these yourself? Do they come before or after you’ve created an animation?

I’ll usually have any idea of what I’m looking for, sometimes I’ll come up with a demo and work with a music producer to help fully develop a piece of sounds. Sometimes the audio will inform the piece, other times it comes after. There’s no template, really.

Do you have any other cool projects on deck?

I have a few things that I’m developing, but not ready to share just yet : )

 You can see more of Chris' work on his Instagram, website, and Vimeo


SV SHOWCASE: New Topographies


Artist Takeover: Elizabeth Bick