StandardVision Artist Showcase: Visual Poetry by Fine Art Photographer Djeneba Aduayom at 3rd Street Crossing

StandardVision continues its curated site-specific art program on the large-scale curved exterior display at 3rd Street Crossing with a month-long showcase of work from fine art photographer Djeneba Aduayom on view November 1st through 30th.

Djeneba Aduayom is a fine art photographer whose work is marked by a sense of movement, performance and personal interrogation. She came to photography after a successful dance career touring with singers like Tina Turner, Prince and Robbie Williams to name of few, and four years of interior design study in London. Her aesthetic is as much influenced by her multi-disciplinary training and extensive travel as it is by her multi-cultural heritage, which includes French, Italian and Togolese.

Incorporating her knowledge of dance, architecture, and interior design into her photography, Aduayom pushes the limits of what it means to be a photographer with her images often blending portraiture with the abstract nature of our reality. In creating her work, Aduayom explores the process of articulating her intangible ideas and various emotions into a visual abstraction. She aims to create alternate realities within the confines of her imagination and perspective in hopes that her images will resonate with others and transport them to otherworldly places.

A self-taught photographer, Djeneba Aduayom is currently based in Los Angeles. She is known for her portraiture and editorial work, which has appeared in magazines like i-D and Vogue Italia online , Blanc and Vulkan, and Time Magazine. About her work, Aduayom says, “I have a visceral and emotional connection with the people that I photograph. They inspire me and I interpret their stories through my viewfinder to create a form of visual poetry underlined with many subtleties.”

Catch Djeneba Aduayom’s photography on view on the exterior digital facade at 3rd Street Crossing, and learn more about her work on her Instagram.


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