StandardVision Presents: Aesthetic Fixations 2/4/19 - 2/17/19

Joining in with all of the excitement surrounding the new Frieze LA Art Fair, StandardVision is curating special art programming on the Marriott / SVLA1 screen in Downtown LA leading up to and throughout the weekend of the fair. StandardVision’s program will highlight photography and motion work by a range of established and upcoming artists working in the areas of conceptual self-portraiture, contemporary abstract visual art and unique interpretations of dance on film.

Known for his numerous collaborations with Merce Cunningham, dance-film pioneer and artist Charles Atlas will be showing excerpts from his notable dance films. Artist Weston James Palmer, whose focus is on human relationships and emotions – undercurrents of the complex social game of roles, will be showing an unconventionally expressive skate film filmed in Downtown Los Angeles. Rounding out the video art offerings, will be Hervisions, a multidisciplinary femme focused video art collective, with other-worldy work curated by Zaiba Jabbar and featuring artists Sophie Rogers, Fragmatista, and Clara Terne.

StandardVision’s then continues its photography curation by presenting recent work by three exceptional, visually morphing, individual talents. Photographer and visual artist Nadia Lee Cohen poses as imagined characters from her uniquely diverse collection of name badges. Blaise Cepis expertly alters the visually recognizable by using it as material to create entirely new visions. And Ryan Burke, modern day shape-shifter, takes the art of self-artifice to extremes of beauty and variation almost impossible to fathom.

The special art programming will take play at the top and 30 minute marks of every hour from February 4 through Februray 17.


Artist Spotlight: Josh S. Rose


StandardVision Presents: Aesthetic Fixations at Hotel Figueroa