Digital Art in the Public Space: How StandardVision’s Approach to Art Curation Provides Visibility and Opportunity

Beeple on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2014)

Beeple on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2014)

In light of last week’s breaking news topic surrounding digital artist Beeple’s unprecedented sale of an NFT of his work for $69 million via Christie’s, StandardVision is taking a look back at the pioneers of digital art who have been featured over the years on our large-scale digital facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live in downtown LA.

Blake Kathryn on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2017)

Blake Kathryn on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2017)

As with any medium, the opportunities that come from expanded visibility and the value of accessibility within the public space is vital for artists working within the digital realm. StandardVision is widely recognized for site specific digital art programming which looks to engage the local community while also highlighting emerging and established artists.

Ondrej Zunka on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2017)

Ondrej Zunka on the Digital Facade at the Courtyard Marriott L.A. Live (2017)

With the greater goal of both enriching commercial and public spaces and providing a platform for up and coming artists, StandardVision’s art programming transforms buildings into landmarks and brings diverse, innovative installations to new audiences—further propelling these artists to the forefront of their industries.


SV Presents: Finding Whimsical Optimism Amidst Lockdown with Ondrej Zunka’s DOGUE


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