SVLA1: Movements Through Space at Hotel Figueroa


Join StandardVision on Thursday, September 20 from 7-11pm for a night of curated art programming on the the four-story-high #SVLA1 screen on the Marriott Courtyard L.A. Live in Downtown Los Angeles.

StandardVision will be hosting a free reception on the private patio of the Hotel Figueroa across the street from the screen.

MOVEMENTS THROUGH SPACE is a program of film and photography exploring the worlds of dance and fashion ranging from the avant garde to pure pop. This program showcases StandardVision's recent collaboration with and awards given at the Cascadia Dance & Cinema Festival. The evening's programming will also include StandardVision's spotlight on contemporary photography; a curation of the finest and most diverse photographers working in the world of conceptual fashion photography and portraiture.

HOTEL FIGUEROA | Private Terrazza | 2nd Floor939 S Figueroa St | Los Angeles, CA 90015

Entrances at both front and rear of hotel.

Signs will lead to the event on the second floor Terrazza.





Øde is a monochromatic fashion tale that plays out in a four-fold brutalist scene. Director Eliot Lee Hazel collaborates with creative director Petecia Le Fawnhawk and fashion designer Aliona Kononova using epic and poetic imagery to create an otherworldly universe.

SV SHOWCASE: Selections from the Cascadia Dance & Cinema Festival


Colorwise by The Seaweed Sisters & Angela and Ithyle

Colorwise explores self discovery through the lens of color. While illuminating the curious quirks that make us who we are, this film celebrates our differences and champions the importance friendship.


Letter by Zeljko Bozic

Letter is a film about self esteem and self worth. These insecurities are dealt with daily but often left unspoken, since they are widely considered as a weakness. Bozic reveals his own doubts to point out that we are in this together.


Elemental by Wadium, Granat, & Roller

Elemental is a reframing of the natural world through movement and a reframing of movement through novel environments. Through cinema, Elemental explores the versatile power of hip-hop to channel and illustrate the natural environment.

ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: A selection of works from award winning fashion and fine art photographers from around the world

Eliot Lee Hazel

Elizaveta Porodina

Neil KryszakJack Davison


SVLA1: Movements Through Space at Hotel Figueroa Recap


Artist Spotlight: Neil Kryszak