
StandardVision is honored to have partnered with Month of Photography Los Angeles for the second year in a row to present the work of both local and global photographers.Featuring a collection of themed work each week, Month of Photography Los Angeles aims to expose the public to the diversity of contemporary photography. This exhibition was curated from submissions to MOPLA’s annual Open Call.

James Porschen - AtaraxiaJames Porschen’s work abstracts reality, transcending the literal and focusing on the underlying essence of nature, letting it’s sublime reflection emerge. These images stand as a meditation on the balance of nature’s furious and fragile modes. In this world of chaos and illusion, Porschen manages to capture moments of meaning with the quiet assurance of one hand finding the other in the dark. This is achieved by a reduction of specific elements so that the whole dominates the frame rather than any one point.

Emily Berl - Marilyn After her move to Los Angeles in 2012, photographer Emily Berl began to notice the image of Marilyn Monroe all over the city. It’s been over half a century since Marilyn’s death, and her image is stronger now than ever. Many who recognize Marilyn don’t know her movies, yet they accept her as the classic example of glamor and stardom. She embodies both the light and the dark side of the Hollywood Dream, represents a place that inspires the imagination, and offers a faraway glimmer of hope generation after generation.

For the women in this series who dress as Marilyn, whether as impersonators, tribute artists, or simply fans, she is more than a storied icon. She represents an important part of their lives: in some cases a lifelong career, in others a focus of deep love and dedication. These photographs examine the star’s endurance but more importantly, they are a look at the women who choose to channel the classic yet powerful notion of the Hollywood Dream that still thrives today.

Niv Rozenberg - Boswijck

Niv Rozenberg is a Brooklyn based photographer originally from Israel. His series, Boswijck, explores complexities within the urban environment, shifting between straight photography and digital manipulation. Focusing on the unique cityscape of Bushwick neighborhood in Brooklyn, Rosenberg is intrigued by the neighborhood’s colorful and mixed architecture and history. The work titled “Boswijck” – the neighborhood’s original name, meaning “little town in the woods” – highlights this diversity by visually isolating different architectural styles, deconstructing these facades to a variety of forms and colors, and showing them as vivid abstract two-dimensional relics.

Charles Xelot - There is Gas Under the Tundra

Charles Xelot is a French photographer born in 1985, who travels the world in search of the perfect picture. Charles Xelot has been traveling for several years in the frozen areas of northern Europe, places where he tries to freeze the essence of his images. The artist seeks for contemplation above all, which passes through aestheticism and pictorial research. Xelot draws inspiration from the minimalism of the Japanese masters to try to make the best of the magic inhabiting those landscapes.

The program will be on view through April 29, with photographic exhibitions throughout every hour. For dates, themes, and the list of photographers featured, go here.


SV SHOWCASE: Seasoned by AnA Collaborations
