SV Showcase Review: Month of Photography LA, "Places"


Mara Palena, "Floating Piers"

This month, StandardVision has partnered with Month of Photography Los Angeles to present the work of both local and global photographers. Featuring a collection of themed work each week, Month of Photography Los Angeles aims to expose the public to the diversity of contemporary photography. This exhibition was curated from submissions to MOPLA’s annual Open Call.

The first week of the showcase features work under the theme of “Places” as five photographers from around the world share with us their take on specific locations.

Enzo Amato’s Cuban Street Art series explores the streets of Cuba and the people who organically pass through his camera lens. It serves as documentation of the street art and architecture of Cuba as well as its people and vibrant culture.

Enzo Amato is a Sydney based photographer who’s fine art photography focuses primarily on the documentation of street art and street artists. He is currently showing latest series The Cuba Street Art Project at Ambush Gallery as part of the group show Sign of the Times.

Mara Palena’s The Floating Piers is a documentation of tourists experiencing Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s “Art Pier.”

Mara Palena is an Italian documentary photographer who captures intimate, instinctive and emotional images in public places emphasizing ordinary life, banal scenes, and controversial aspects of society.

Natasha Lee’s Montana USA is a documentary style series which showcases the iconic western aesthetic and culture. Photos document the magnificent natural elements of Montana, upscale barns, glowing wood fires, pool halls, and glamorous camp sites.

Natasha Lee is a Santa Monica-based photographer who finds joy in creating relaxed images of people and places that inspire wanderlust. She strives to capture moments that invite us to experience a new taste, possibility, or perspective.

Widline Cadet’s Home Bodies looks at the lives of her family living in Haiti and across the United States in an attempt to ease the tension between her Haitian cultural values and what she considers American sentiments and her inability to fully engage/ function in either.

Widline Cadet is a Haitian born image-maker based out of NYC. She received a B.A. from The City College of New York where she majored in Studio Art and minored in Creative Writing. She is the recipient of a 2013 Mortimer Hays-Brandeis Traveling Fellowship.

Salvatore Balice’s Maroc series is a trip through the Morocco's colors, faces and lights.

Salvatore Balice is a freelance interior designer, furniture and lighting designer as well as photographer of interiors and architecture. He use photography to investigate and tell the relations between anthropized sites and the person, the "distortions" that urban centers operate on the individual as well as cultural environments in which he lives.​

The “Places” theme will be on view from January 16 through January 22, with photographic exhibitions throughout every hour. Find more info bout the MOPLA Showcase here.


January 23 – 29: SV Showcase Review: Month of Photography LA, “People”


SV Classic Film Series