SV PRESENTS: Façade by Daniel Savage

THUMB_BLOG-copy-2.jpg April 10, 2017, StandardVision launched it’s latest site-specific public art video, created by animator Daniel Savage, titled Façade. The piece represents another new, innovative and original film in the SV Presents series; an art initiative showcasing the work of creative visual artists working within the community.Façade is an animated film exploring the convergence of architecture and human emotion. Using geometric shapes inspired by the SVLA1 media facade itself and surrounding environment, abstract faces and figures appear and begin to explore self expression within a structured world.Savage discussing creating the piece,

"Facade started from the idea that even though cities like Downtown LA try to build around strict grids, they are still human and have organic variation within them. Using the grid as a starting place I wanted to see if we could find various faces within these structures. It was very experimental, trying to stick with a set of geometric rules that I wouldn't break. I was also experimental in the structure by coming up with various ideas and piecing them together later. We start with faces being built and ending with them communicating. After I had a basic idea pieced together I brought on Pablo Lozano to help animate it. He understood the concept right away and we collaborated back and forth until arriving at the final piece."

Daniel Savage is an independent animation director and designer based in Los Angeles. He works with clients such as The New Yorker, The New York Times, and Al Jazeera as well as creating projects for the animation community such as Yule Log 2.0 and His work has been recognized by the likes of Wired Magazine, The Society of Illustrators, and The Webbys and in 2012 he was named a Young Gun by the Art Directors Club. He has taught design and animation at SVA, NYU, and guest lectured at a wide variety of schools and events.

Façade will play at the top of every hour through May 7 on the SVLA1 screen located at 901 W. Olympic Blvd in downtown Los Angeles.


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