SV Artist Takeover: Sallie Harrison


StandardVision follows up Michelle Groskopf’s artist takeover on the SVLA1 screen at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles with work by Sallie Harrison. Harrison is the latest of many artists to be invited to take over a week-long recurring 15-second spot to showcase their work to the public.


Harrison’s work aesthetically adheres to the month’s theme of Los Angeles In Details, with an eye for the color, shape, and features that make Los Angeles' physical environment uniquely L.A. Her most recent project “Geometric LA” showcases the warm, pastel hues of the otherwise severe architecture of the city. This series heavily emphasizes stripped-down compositions with bright light and minimal, coordinated palettes. Her work depicts her surroundings very honestly; everything is drenched in sunlight, but not all of her subjects are as inviting as she makes them appear. Many of her photos unearth an emptiness through compositional repetition, washed-out tonality, and a flattening of perspective.



Harrison admits, “I used to hate pastels.” As a child, she thought they were too girly, but after moving to Los Angeles from South Carolina, she recognized something different and more engaging in the hues. As an artist, she has shown work in galleries world-wide such as The Art Bowl, Amsterdam, O-Cha in South Carolina, and Totally Savage at Co-Lab in Los Angeles. Harrison is also a designer and has won many awards for her achievements in the field.

Take a look at his latest series here and at his instagram @salliewho



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