SV Artist Takeover: Michelle Groskopf

ATO_MichelleGorskopf_Corner_020.jpg week’s Artist Takeover series features Los Angeles based photographer Michelle Groskopf as part of October’s theme, “Los Angeles in Details.”6_mgGroskopf offers a distinct perspective on the average Angelino by focusing her lens on the casual pedestrians of her local neighborhood with the conviction of a Hollywood paparazzi that somehow empathizes with the quirks of its subjects. Although her photographs almost always offer an element of surprise, Groskopf finds herself face to face with her subjects, often engaging in conversations about their fashion choices and complimenting what she finds unique about them.5_mgShe frequents the Larchmont area of Los Angeles, a quiet enclave in the midst of a chaotic city, exploring themes such as teen culture, girl hood, and the suburban ideology. From an interview with the Huffington Post, she mentions, “I’ve gone and built a time machine back to my childhood. I’m turning my memories into photographs, memories I have of being a kid growing up in the suburbs. I’m recreating familiar feelings and faces using strangers I see on the street when I walk around.”An afternoon spent in Del Mar, CaliforniaHer subjects are not extraordinary, yet as subjects they are unusual and often overlooked. Groskopf’s work fits seamlessly into our series as an examination of the places and faces that make up the kooky and kitsch Los Angeles we have all come to love (or hate).24_mgGroskopf has been shooting the world around her for almost 20 years. Her work has been featured in Vice Magazine, Refinery 29, American Photo Magazine, FLAUNT Magazine, and Fotografia Magazine among many others.

SV Interview with Ouida Biddle and Miles Martinez


SV SHOWCASE: Look-See by Daniel Savage