July 19 - Sept 19: SV Showcase - Selections from Cascadia Dance & Cinema Festival

This month, StandardVision has partnered with the Vancouver based Cascadia Dance and Cinema Festival to bring the works of dance filmmakers from around the world to our four story screen in the heart of DTLA.Three films have been presented the SV Showcase Award for Artistic Achievement by StandardVision and will be on view from July 19 to September 19 with each film playing once every hour at the 15, 30, and 45 minute marks.StandardVision’s SV Showcase program aims to present the work of emerging and established artists in a site-specific outdoor exhibition on the #SVLA1 screen on the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles.

About the works:

Letter by Zeljko Bozic

Letter is a film about self esteem and self worth. These insecurities are dealt with daily but often left unspoken, since they are widely considered as a weakness. Bozic reveals his own doubts to point out that we are in this together.

Elemental by Wadium, Granat, & Roller

Elemental is a reframing of the natural world through movement and a reframing of movement through novel environments. Madison, WI based hip-hop dancer Solomon Roller interprets beautiful Wisconsin nature through dance, a form of expression he has been developing and refining for over a decade. The original soundtrack features audio samples taken on location and molded into a composition that evokes the geography and sharpens the emotional undertones of Solomon's movements. Through cinema, Elemental explores the versatile power of hip-hop to channel and illustrate the natural environment.

Colorwise by The Seaweed Sisters & Angela and Ithyle

With "Colorwise", The Seaweed Sisters explore self discovery through the lens of color.  While illuminating the curious quirks that make us who we are, this film celebrates our differences and champions the importance friendship.For more information about Cascadia Dance and Cinema Festival, visit their website here.


Artist Spotlight: Elizaveta Porodina


SV SHOWCASE: Chromatic by Shane Griffin