Artist Takeover: Sasha Vithin


This week’s StandardVision artist takeover on the SVLA1 screen at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles features work by photographer Sasha Vithin. Vithin is the latest artist to be invited to take over a two week-long recurring 15-second spot to showcase their work to the public.

Sasha Vithins is an architect and photographer hailing from St. Petersburg, Russia. His lifelong obsession with geometry propelled him into the world of photography, where he became completely immersed after meeting a group of like-minded photographers that inspired him to shoot seriously. He describes his style of work as minimalistic, paying close attention to architectural details, right angles, and lines. Scandinavian Minimalism is his most notable architectural inspiration. The result of this influence in Vithin's work is a surreal depiction on the world, featuring stark and barren cityscapes that feel removed from the realities of every day life. 

In an interview with More with Less, Sasha describes the juxtapositions found in his visuals:

"If I had to name my photography, I’d name it difficult simplicity. I try to focus the reader’s attention on a single, central spot. In the simplicity of most ordinary buildings and objects I see something unique and something that an ordinary man doesn’t. The simplicity and straight lines, reflection and shadows, silhouettes and outlines, natural landscapes with a minimum of elements – all this is reflected in my instagram. This emphasis on the important details in the ordinary things – makes my style and feed special.”

Since getting into photography, Vithin has amassed over 60,000 followers on his Instagram. He is now an ambassador for Olympus cameras and his work is shared and revered all around the world.

You can catch Vithin’s work on the #svla1 screen through March 26 as well as on his Instagram here


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