Artist Takeover: Ryan Koopmans

koopmansthumb.jpg week’s StandardVision artist takeover on the SVLA1 screen at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles features work by photographer Ryan Koopmans. Koopmans is the latest artist to be invited to take over the two week-long recurring 15-second spot to showcase their work to the public.Born in Amsterdam and raised on Vancouver Island, Ryan Koopmans’ photographic practice explores our relationship with the built environment where natural and manmade converge. His images depict surreal structures ensconced in mega cities and manufactured landscapes, utilizing geometry, repetition, and saturation to create poetic narratives in these seemingly fantastical locations. While pursuing his undergraduate degree initially in architecture, Koopmans discovered photography, becoming drawn to the medium’s freedom and immediacy. Koopmans’ practice has become more informed by his academic background in photography (he holds a BA from UBC, Vancouver, and an MFA from the School of Visual Arts, NYC), referencing more fine art and art historical tropes within his work that range from M.C. Escher to wildstyle graffiti.Koopmans is currently based in Amsterdam working on both his personal and commissioned photography projects. He has exhibited internationally, and frequently shoots with commercial clients that include Mercedes-Benz, Vogue, and Montblanc, as well as a range of artists, magazines, and editorial publications.You can see Ryan’s work through August 13 on the SVLA1 screen downtown located at 901 Olympic Blvd. You can also catch more of his work on his Instagram and website.


Artist Takeover: Elizabeth Bick


SV Showcase: FLOAT