Artist Spotlight: Minh T


This week’s StandardVision artist spotlight on the SVLA1 screen at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles features work by Los Angeles photographer Minh T. Minh is the latest of many artists to be invited to take over a two week-long recurring 15-second spot to showcase their work to the public.

Minh T is a Los Angeles-based photographer and art director. Trained in architecture and graphic design, his photographic style conjures up a world of timelessness, simplicity, nature, architecture, escapism that has earned him a large following on social media.


His work as been published in seen in various publications and sites including Cereal, Luxe, Adobe and West Elm. His Instagram @thismintymoment was awarded “Best Individual Instagram” by Surface Magazine in 2017.


Minh T says about his aesthetic, “My signature style is about purity, contemplation, and timelessness. Once you distill a scene to its own essential elements, you can find its beauty in light, geometry or mood. I love the idea of creating an image that could belong in the future, or the past.”


Minh’s work is inspired by the possibility of something that is mundane and neglected, but somehow shows its true beauty through a different perspective. The bulk of his work is to discover new photography locations that have not been used extensively.


Minh says about his process, “I love to drive around the city and try to find buildings and spots that have been forgotten or neglected. I enjoy finding that diamond in the rough, just waiting to be discovered.  That’s what I also love about being in Los Angeles - I’m constantly discovering places that I have not heard of before. There are many hidden secrets that offer itself to those who take the time to seek it out.”

You can catch Minh T's work on the SVLA1 screen through 01/20 as well as on his Instagram here.


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